Saturday, November 26, 2011


2011 marks the third year in a row in which we have moved over Thanksgiving weekend. This one is different because it wasn't our choice. But we can't fault our landlord for wanting to move out of his kid's house and back into his own. It just would have been nice to not have to change our address on everything for the third year in a row!

Friends welcomed us into their home and family for a Thanksgiving feast. It was just the break we needed from moving and cleaning. And since this move prevented our own family trip east to be with my family, it was nice to sit around a crowded family table, pass plates around, and listen to the kids and parents tell separate versions of the same stories. The table was beautiful and the food was excellent. But I think my favorite part was that there were so many people crammed around the table that we were hip t0 hip in chairs from all over the house and patio. It was a "more is merrier" table that I am thankful my little family unit was able to be a part of.

We like the new house. Our stuff is everywhere, but that's to be expected. The house is a little smaller than the one we just finished cleaning today but it's in a nice neighborhood in a good school zone and it's clean and it has lots of closets and it has a back yard. I'm already planning our first party.....a 4-year old's 5th birthday coming up in 3 weeks.

Our neighbors on the left put up holiday lights this year. It's quite the display and they have at least another day's worth of work before it's done. Makes me think of this pic I found on Facebook a few days ago:

We'll get there. First we have to decide where the major pieces of furniture will live. We think we need to swap the living and dining rooms from where we told the movers to place things. You didn't think we'd do it any other way, did you Max?

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